- A den of Robbers - grinnnd http://www.myspace.com/adenofrobbers
- Agathocles - mincecore/grindcore http://www.agathocles.com/
- Al²ruin - crust http://www.myspace.com/allruin
- Asbest - skapunk http://www.myspace.com/asbestskapunk
- Axxident - punkrock http://www.myspace.com/axxidentpunk
- Backbones, the - trashpunk http://www.myspace.com/thebackbonespunk
- Capital Scum (RIP) - hardcore http://www.myspace.com/capitalscum
- Chaka - d-beat crust http://www.myspace.com/chakaliveandloud
- Cop on Fire - dub the punks! http://coponfiredub.blogspot.com/
- Days of Desolation - grindy metal crust http://www.myspace.com/daysofdesolation
- Dead Convicts - punk http://www.myspace.com/deadconvictspunx
- D'onderhond - folk/punk http://www.myspace.com/donderhond
- Fart (RIP) - crust as fuck http://www.myspace.com/fartcrustmayhem
- Filth, the - hcpunk/crust http://www.myspace.com/burningitdown
- Friday night Bar fight (RIP) - punk http://www.myspace.com/fridaynightbarfightbe
- Furious - fast hcpunk http://www.myspace.com/furiousmusic
- Goat Vomit - grindcore http://www.myspace.com/ridingthegoat
- Gura - doom http://www.myspace.com/guradoom
- Hostilidades - metallic crustpunk http://hostilidades.blogspot.com/
- Idiot Convention - thrashpunk http://idiotconvention3.blogspot.com/
- Indemnity (RIP) - thrash metal http://www.myspace.com/thrashindemnity
- Intestinal Disease - grindcore http://www.myspace.com/intestinaldisease
- Irony - metalpunk http://www.myspace.com/ironympds
- Kasatka - powerviolence http://www.myspace.com/hyperxthrash
- King Terror - making hardcore punk again! http://www.myspace.com/kingterror666
- Koncept (RIP) - punk http://www.myspace.com/konceptpunk
- Last Legion Alive - stenchcore/metalcrust http://www.myspace.com/lastlegionalive
- Les Slugs - punk http://www.myspace.com/lesslugs
- Life is Damage - punk http://www.reverbnation.com/lifeisdamage
- Link - epic crust http://www.myspace.com/linkrocks
- Loadead - rock'n'roll http://www.myspace.com/loadeadtotallydead
- Lobotomy? - skadubpunk http://www.myspace.com/lobotomypunk
- Marsh Harrier - sludge http://www.myspace.com/marshharrier
- Möse - doom/sludge http://www.myspace.com/mosedoom
- Mutual Aid (RIP) - crustpunk http://www.myspace.com/mutualaid
- Nahende Vernichtung - d-beat'n'roll http://www.myspace.com/nahendevernichtung2
- Nature's Failure - crust http://www.myspace.com/naturesfailure
- Oedeem (RIP) - crust http://www.myspace.com/hetwestverzet
- Primordial Sounds - noisecore http://primordialsoundsnoisecore.webs.com/
- Ravaged - hcpunk http://www.myspace.com/rupturesinyourillusion
- René Binamé - rock'n'roll http://www.myspace.com/biname
- Reproach - fast hcpunk http://www.facebook.com/Reproach666
- Silence Means Death - crust'n'roll http://www.myspace.com/silencemeansdeathcrust
- Suit Side vs Veda Plight - punk http://www.myspace.com/vedaplightvssuitside
- Sunpower - the dead kennedy's from Belgium http://www.myspace.com/sunpower
- Tarmak - hardcore http://www.myspace.com/thisistarmak
- The League of Mental Men - powerviolence http://www.myspace.com/theleagueofmentalmen666
- Tod Pole (RIP) - fast hcpunk/crust http://www.myspace.com/todpole
- Ulrike's Dream - metalcrust http://www.myspace.com/ulrikesdream
- Unarmed Riot - skapunk http://www.myspace.com/unarmedriot
- Unhinged (RIP) - crust http://www.myspace.com/unhinged1999ad
- Usual Suspects, the - anarcho ska dub punk http://www.myspace.com/usualsuspectspunx
- Visions of War - crustpunk http://www.myspace.com/deadnothing
- Vuur (RIP) - hardcore/screamoviolence/punk http://www.myspace.com/vuurviolence
As we are still a collective organizing concerts for several bands, here are some Belgian bands you might have to consider checking out - as they produce (or produced) some wonderful meaningful music. Support your local scene, right! Bands are listed in alphabetical order. Will add some more in the near future!